About the course

    1. Introduction

    2. Test your knowledge

    3. Test your knowledge

    4. What words and concepts are used in this material and with what definition?

    1. About children

    2. The importance of sexual education in childhood.

    3. Children can be perpetrators as well as victims

    4. The age limits for consensual sexual relationships.

    1. Who are the paedophiles?

    2. What is the typical gender of the perpetrators? And the victims?

    3. Why is there so much uncertainty on the subject?

    4. But what is paedophilia? And why does someone become one?

    5. The impact of online porn is detectable

    6. Why is it important to also have programmes in Hungary that (at least) target online paedophiles?

    7. Peer abusers

    8. Understanding the risks and the importance of early education

    9. But how do you talk to your teenage child about peer sexual abuse?

    1. Child sexual abuse

    2. Which acts are covered by sexual violence?

    3. Select which form of sexual violence against children and online sexual abuse is being referred to!

    4. Forms of sexual violense against children

    5. What are the consequences of sexual abuse?

    6. Long-term effects of sexual abuse

    1. What do we know about child victims?

    2. What factors increase the risk of child victimisation?

    3. Why do so many cases remain hidden?

    4. Myths and reality of sexual violence against children

    5. Further information and useful materials

    1. Why is your participation in this course important in protecting children?

    2. Supporting materials, background links, literature used:

    3. Questions and recommendations

Course details

  • Responsible adults
  • 1,5 hours

Join us, and let’s work together for the safety of children!

Being a child means discovery, play, adventure, and countless new experiences. As adults, we have a crucial role in ensuring that children can embrace these joys and opportunities in the safest possible environment.